About Me

Proven professional skills with extensive knowledge of various nonwoven technologies including needle punching, hydro entangling, stitch bonding, and Thermal calender bond. Daily use of these processes while developing nonwoven composites for various markets.

Outstanding and varied background in coordination of multiple projects including process development, product development, pilot plant supervision, etcetera.

Training and knowledge of Design of Experiment techniques and Statistical Process Control, used in generating specifications for products to meet customer needs, qualifying new raw materials, and understanding the control of the process.

Excellent organizational, time management and supervisory skills.

Broad range of products taken from inception to commercialization utilizing steps like making lab prototypes, planning and running pilot plant trials, running plant trials and scale-ups, and generating documentation for manufacturing to continue to make a repeatable product.

Ability to effectively and easily communicate with all levels of personnel from upper management to floor operators.

Troubleshooting and problem solving in plant and at customer whenever needed.
Justification testing on quality complaints.

At present it seems I am successful but behind this success there is one story please read

“Failure is the first stepping stone for the success if you learn from that failure”

1. Passed in one subject out of seven.

I was bright student in primary school but average performer in secondary getting second class (55.14%) in SSC examinations shows how I was performing.

After SSC I took admission in Sasmira for Diploma in Textile technology course in August 1995. But what to say I was not able to understand what professor is talking about? All this was because of my poor English. I should not say poor English rather it was fear of English language. I started bunking lectures, what was the use by seating in classroom where nothing is going in my head.

It was yearly pattern of exams which is conducted by DTE. In April, I gave my exam and I knew the results when I was giving exams. So when result came out I went to see in how many subjects I got failed, the hopes of getting pass in any subject was 0% when I saw the result I was just passed in one subject out of 7.

After every 6 months I was giving exams and every time I was able to clear only one subject. To clear 4 subjects I have wasted total 3 years, but at 3rd year my all 7 attempts ( Max no of attempts allowed by DTE) was over, still one subject was remaining. College said you will not able to give the exam for remaining subject. You have attempted 7 times which is max limit and still you’re not able to clear all 7 subjects’ which proves that you are not capable to do this course. Oh my god it means I am useless, I am not capable of doing anything in my life. So many questions came in my mind. I was completely collapsed no one was there to help me. My father, my whole family was feeling shame of me, a useless son was comments from everyone.

I was not knowing where all this will end up, nothing was going in favor of me. I wanted to be successful person but how? Why this was happening only to me.  Some times I thought no use of this life why should I live. I am a useless person. Ending life was the only solution I was thinking. Nothing was left as such.

One fine morning I woke up with all these thoughts. I entered in college along with my father. Ending life thought was in mind. This is going to be my last visit to this college this is my last day of this beautiful world. I met principal of college whether there will be any solution for my situation (my father was waiting outside). Principal Mr Deshpande & Mr Doctor Sir suggested there is only one solution, you need to take readmission to this course, both of them where telling me you cant continue the same course, you have to take fresh admission because now it is semester pattern you will not fit in to that. I came out of principals cabin with heavy heart. I was very much afraid to tell my father about the discussion I had in principals’ cabin. It was very much difficult to take readmission as our financial condition was worst. There were two options in front me 1) end life 2) readmission. First option was easy but it was like you are running away from the challenge, for me it was easy but what will happen to my father and family member if they lose a young son.  I had to take the decision in those few seconds I decided to tell my father that I want to take readmission as suggested by principal. When I took that decision I decided I will show to everyone that I am not a useless guy. I told my father that I want to take readmission with confidence. Without taking any time he said yes we will take readmission. It was challenge to me; I had to show my capability my usefulness. I got admission as normal procedure.

First Day in College after readmission

In month of August 1999 before entering to the new class I decided some few silly targets in my mind which was very much essential for me,

  1. I will always seat on first bench (which I followed in all lectures till MTech)
  2. I will not do any time pass in canteen or at any other place if there is any time between two lectures I will go to library and read. (I strictly followed this)
  3. I will not make any friends group so that I can study alone ( but I was wrong I got really good group of friends)

I started attending my class and very first lecture was Math’s (very good enemy of mine) lecturer was Mr Pawar, he came to class, he immediately recognized me and in front of class he asked me to stand and said so you are our old friend how you are here? Will you please tell whole class about your association with Sasmira. I was ashamed he was insulting me in front of class by telling my history to all class. He told whole class about me “he is here for last 3 year, he has spent 3 year to complete first year still he is struggling.” I was about to cry but my luck lecture time was over. These kind of incidence happened for first one month. Now I was habituated with these kinds of situations.

First unit test came after one month I was fully prepared for it. I made some friend before exams to share notes Ms. Kavita, Ms Vijaya, Miftahul and Atul. I did well in exams in some subjects. I was just 1 or 2 marks short to get full score.  Till semester exams we 5 become good friends started sharing notes journals, preparations for exams, helping each other. Still I was afraid of English language but kavita helped me a lot to improve my English. Because of her I was able to perform well in all exams, rather in my life. Semester exams got over results was declared. This time thought in mind was different whether I am topper in class or not, how much percentage I will get? And god grace I scored highest mark in class and in all branches DMTT, DKT, DMTC. I came to know this after analyzing whole notice board. I got 68%. We 4 friends ranked Me, Kavita, Miftahul, Atul 1,2,3,4 respectively. And Vijaya got drop, after that she left the college. I was so happy to see my performance. I thanked to god because 6 month before I was thinking of ending this useless life and he stopped me from doing that. I was performing well in second semester also, this time Kavita was highest scorer, I stood 2nd, Atul was 3rd and Miftahul was 4th. Same trend continued in 3rd 4th and 5th semester but every time with increase in percentage. I was able to get scholarship every semester from college for my performance, which was little relief for my financial condition. All those money I was using for my college stationary, books. I have never asked money from my father other than college fees. To get money for other expenses I use to work in evening like courier service, some packing work, news paper delivery.

6th semester a last semester of diploma I was thinking of going for higher studies after diploma. I told my father about my plans he refused on the financial ground it was true we were in debt, he was the only person earning and feeding to all of us. I decided to drop my plan of higher studies still thoughts of higher studies was there in my mind all the time. Some one told me you can go for higher studies for that you need to get scholarship. To get scholarship I need to study hard so that I can secure good percentage of marks and will get VJTI in Mumbai, why VJTI Mumbai? so that I will not need hostel expenses, I can stay at my home.

Till last semester we all 5 become good friend it was like our small family in college. In last semester we all had to study well now the competition was growing within our group, everyone wanted to be top but still we were studying together, which was helping each other. This was healthy competition which never came in between our friendship.

My family financial condition was in bad shape. After 6th semester exams father told me to search a job. I started searching for job. After 15 days of search I got job of Rs.3500/- per month salary. Firm was customer service based job work was like sale executive, will go to the customer will show the swatches of cloths (trousers) and will take his measurements. After 10 day will deliver the trouser to him. With that company I worked for 15 days. After four days of training he gave me one bag which was weighing more than 12 kg which I had to carry with me and go to every office and show the sample. It was very difficult to convince the customer in 15 day, I was not able to take a single order. On 16th day my result declared I was very much nervous this time reason was totally different whether I will able to score good marks? Will I get admission in VJTI for Btech? Result was displayed on notice board I was afraid to go near to it same time very much excited to see it after 15 mins someone came to me and congratulated me. I said why what happened he gave me very good news that I was topper in all branches. But my worry was different topper of Sasmira is not going to give me admission in VJTI. I gather some courage to see the notice board I spotted my name was going through all subjects marks, reached to my total marks it was 492/600 (82%). I went to see kavitas’ marks because she was the only strong competitor her total was 468/600 (78%). I was under shocked there was huge difference in our total which was not expected. After enquiring to my professors  I came to know that in history of sasmira no one have crossed mark of 80% I was the only person who have done that. I was happy but still my worry was not gone was waiting for VJTI diploma result. To get admission in VJTI I need to be on top of the merit list so that ere wont be any competition. I talk to my father about the higher studies again this time he was bit positive I said that I will try to get the scholarship. In few days VJTI diploma result was out I went to see that and topper was 78% I was so happy because no one was there ahead of me. I was topper in Maharashtra State. I filled the admission form got hassle free admission direct to second year of BTech, some how my father arranged fees money.…… ………to be continued

I believe Life is a very good teacher who teach us new lesson every day” the only line comes in mind is

“Failure is the first stepping stone for the success if you learn from that failure”

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